November 2016 - page 39

September 2016
COG: XML-based smartPCN-Standard
simplifies handling of change notifications
A drastic reduction of the manual efforts con-
cerning Product Change Notifications (PCNs)
of all kinds are guaranteed by the smart-
PCN-specification Release 2.0 developed by
the industrial association Component Obso-
lescence Group (COG) Deutschland. The lat-
est XML-based machine-readable smartPCN
communication format disposes of a univer-
sal and flexible design enabling a mostly auto-
matic handling of change notifications along
the entire supply chain, ranging from the sin-
gle components level up to final applications.
EVT: box volume measurement with
EyeVision 3D
EVT presents the new 3D EyeVolume mea-
surement system with the Bluetechnix Time
of Flight sensor and the new user interfaced
based on the EyeVision image processing soft-
ware. The Time of Flight 3D scanner measures
the volume of boxes and other containers. For
this the EVT team has created with the EyeVi-
sion Process Mode Layout Editor a user inter-
face for the easy-handling of the EyeVolume
SEGGER: J-Link Firmware upgrade
for BBC micro:bit
SEGGER has introduced J-Link support for
the BBC micro:bit providing students a path
to using a production grade IDE for their
next micro:bit project. SEGGER offers the
capability to upgrade the firmware on the
BBC micro:bit DAPLink to a J-Link OB (On
Board). This firmware makes the on-board
debug solution on the BBC micro:bit compat-
ible to J-Link, allowing users to take advan-
tage of all J-Link features such as ultra-fast
flash download and debugging speeds and the
free-to-use GDBServer as well as application
development using an IDE.
GrammaTech’s team TECHx places second
in DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge
GrammaTech and its partner the University of
Virginia took second place in DARPA’s Cyber
Grand Challenge finale, showcasing next-gen-
eration technologies for software vulnerability
discovery and application hardening. Gram-
maTech’s team competed with Xandra – its
high-performance, scalable system that har-
nessed 2400 cores to power 210 high-perfor-
mance fuzzing pods capable of 1.8M fuzzing
ops per second and feeding a dedicated bank
of binary analyzers, patch generators, and
binary rewriters to repair and protect binaries.
Express Logic: new sales and support
office in France
Express Logic has established a sales and sup-
port office in France. With this office, located
about 35 kilometers southwest of Paris,
Express Logic will better serve the growing
numbers of local developers using its ThreadX
RTOS and middleware products and generate
new business throughout the country.
NI: LabVIEW 2016 new channel
wires simplify development
NI announced LabVIEW 2016 system design
software, empowering engineers to simplify
development and effectively integrate soft-
ware from the ecosystem into their systems.
The latest version of LabVIEW introduces
new channel wires to simplify complex com-
munication between parallel sections of code.
Available on both desktop and real-time ver-
sions of LabVIEW, the channel wire method
helps improve code readability and reduces
development time.
Product News
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