ECE / BaS October 2015 - page 17

October 2015
& S
ysis capabilities, deeper tainted data analysis,
and binary analysis support for x64 proces-
sors. Combined, these advances will help
developers build more stable and secure
code in the IoT era. New technical advances
in CodeSonar 4.1 include:
Deeper Tainted Data Analysis – GrammaT-
ech has substantially increased the preci-
sion of its taint analysis capabilities, which
includes new tainted buffer access and indi-
rect function call checkers. Analyzing indi-
rect function callsmore precisely is invaluable
in discovering serious security vulnerabilities
such as the recent Heartbleed bug.
New Distributed Analysis –Through ground-
breaking research at GrammaTech, funded
by the Department of Homeland Security,
CodeSonar now distributes static analysis
processing across a large numbers of hetero-
geneous machines (such as Linux, Windows,
and Unix simultaneously). This development
has the potential to speed up the analysis
phase in proportion to the number of proces-
sors in the analysis pool, and gives develop-
ers the flexibility to turn up the depth of their
analysis to find more critical defects.
Binary support for x64 – As the only com-
mercial static analysis tool with binary code
analysis, the 4.1 release extends GrammaT-
ech position as the binary analysis author-
ity by adding the ability to analyze 64-bit
Intel microprocessor code. As a result, more
development teams will have access to
GrammaTech binary analysis to ensure that
their third-party code meets internal secu-
rity and quality standards. Analyzing binary
code alongside source code with CodeSonar
has been shown to find 40% more defects
than when source code alone was analyzed.
(Programs tested were a mix of 75% source
and 25% binary code.)
Figure 3. When source code is available, you can use CodeSonar in mixed source/binary mode,
analyzing the complete application.
Product News
October 2015
Altia: code generation support
for STM32F7 MCUs
Altia announces code generation support
for the new STMicroelectronics STM32F7
Microcontroller. The STM32F7 addresses a
broad range of applications and is the first
microcontroller on the market to feature the
new ARM Cortex-M7 processor: the latest
and highest-performing Cortex-M core for
advanced consumer, industrial, medical,
and Internet-of-Things devices.
SEGGER: compression system
tailored for embedded devices
SEGGER launches emCompress, a com-
pression tool for embedded systems to
reduce the required storage on the target
for boot images, HTML files or other static
data. emCompress automatically picks the
best algorithm for the memory available. It
reduces flash memory sizes, costs and data
transmission time.
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